Book Launch Tour: New Mexico
August 1, 5:30 Spanish/English bi-lingual event
Nahalat Shalom Congregation: 3606 Rio Grande Blvd NW
Light Snacks Provided
"So many of the Jews I've been organizing with since October 7th are searching & asking how our Palestinian solidarity work is rooted in Jewish tradition. I believe this book will provide a roadmap and way forward for us to source in what it means to be Jewish with moral clarity in these times. “ David Bronstein, Jewish musician and storyteller.
August 1, 5:30 Spanish/English bi-lingual event
Nahalat Shalom Congregation: 3606 Rio Grande Blvd NW
Light Snacks Provided
"So many of the Jews I've been organizing with since October 7th are searching & asking how our Palestinian solidarity work is rooted in Jewish tradition. I believe this book will provide a roadmap and way forward for us to source in what it means to be Jewish with moral clarity in these times. “ David Bronstein, Jewish musician and storyteller.
Beyt Olum: House of Life - Jewish Stories about Memorializing Catastrophe
Schedule: online, Tues. Sept 3, 10, 17, 24, Oct 1; 5:15 pm PST - 6:30pm PST
Cost: $200 (includes 5 classes & individual 1/2 hr. session with R. Lynn)
The Guild’s Fall Session will focus on Horban HaBayit, stories about the Destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem and the creation of Jewish diaspora culture.
This year, as the world struggles to stop the genocide of Palestinian people, the Shomeret Shalom Storytelling Guild will explore core Jewish and Palestinian narratives about living through massive devastation. What do ancestor stories about catastrophe have to teach us about healing from trauma? What tales shift our gaze from fear to love, denial to truth telling, death to regeneration.
email [email protected] to register
Beyt Olum: House of Life - Jewish Stories about Memorializing Catastrophe
Schedule: online, Tues. Sept 3, 10, 17, 24, Oct 1; 5:15 pm PST - 6:30pm PST
Cost: $200 (includes 5 classes & individual 1/2 hr. session with R. Lynn)
The Guild’s Fall Session will focus on Horban HaBayit, stories about the Destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem and the creation of Jewish diaspora culture.
This year, as the world struggles to stop the genocide of Palestinian people, the Shomeret Shalom Storytelling Guild will explore core Jewish and Palestinian narratives about living through massive devastation. What do ancestor stories about catastrophe have to teach us about healing from trauma? What tales shift our gaze from fear to love, denial to truth telling, death to regeneration.
email [email protected] to register
Sunday May 26th, 2024 an afternoon of learning and community building!
Location: First Church in Jamaica Plain, 6 Elliot St, Boston, MA
Sliding Scale Registration coming soon
Location: First Church in Jamaica Plain, 6 Elliot St, Boston, MA
Sliding Scale Registration coming soon
- 2-3:30pm Replanting Seeds of Revolutionary Jewish Nonviolence with Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb (Jewish faith gathering)
- 3:30-4pm snacks and community building + an opportunity to buy R’Lynn’s books from Pushcart Judaica!
- 4-5:30pm Stories from the Ground: Building Interfaith Power from Turtle Island to Palestine with Movement Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb (interfaith gathering)
- Replanting Seeds of Revolutionary Jewish Nonviolence with Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb (Jewish faith gathering)
- Join Boston’s Jewish community to learn from R’Lynn Gottlieb’s decades of experience as a movement rabbi in the streets across New Mexico, California, Palestine, and beyond. Rabbi Lynn will share about the practices and protocols of Shomeret Shalom, a path of revolutionary Jewish nonviolence, as we respond to Jewish culture crash and work to re/build Jewish culture in the wake of Palestinian genocide. An afternoon of storytelling, ritual and conversation with snacks to follow.
- Stories from the Ground: Building Interfaith Power from Turtle Island to Palestine with Movement Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb (interfaith gathering)
- As we continue to grow the work of Interfaith Ceasefire Boston, join Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb to learn from her decades of experience as an interfaith movement rabbi. Rabbi Lynn will share stories to provide insight, tactics, and inspiration for our liberation movements in this moment of crisis in Gaza, the Congo, and beyond. Join us for ceremony and storytelling, as we grieve, connect, and share food.
Shared Liberation: An Evening of Performance and Open-Hearted Conversation with Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb and Dori Midnight
Wednesday, May 22nd, 6:30-9pm Sliding Scale: $15 - $36, Register Here Join us for Magiddah on Sacred Ground, a one-woman show about collective libration, 3 tales of decolonizing transformation drawn from Rabbi Lynn’s life long activism as a rabbinic, multi-faith movement organizer, storyteller and ceremonialist. Folwed by a Talk Back with the fabulous Dori Midnight and Rabbi Lynn. During intermission, food will provided as well as a chance to purchase R'Lynn's new book, Shomeret Sholem: Replanting Seeds! |
magidah on sacred ground
A Guild is a sacred society dedicated to excellence in the performance of its chosen craft, in this case, Jewish storytelling. Traditional knowledge is often passed from an elder craftsperson to up and coming generations, who in turn carry the spirit of the present and future. Jewish tradition survives due to intergenerational wisdom sharing. At present, recognized practitioners of the craft of storytelling do not have many opportunities to train in their craft. The Guild will offer yearly classes to a small cohort engaged in telling. A Jewish Guild of Magidim is a sacred society dedicated to excellence in the performance of storytelling craft that emerged from our shared desire for a year of dedicated learning. We invite you to join us for our first Storytelling Master Class from September 2023 to June 2024 with Rabbi Lynn! We will:
Our first gathering will be September 12, 2023 : Prophetic Roots. Women with Drums and Protest Signs from Miriam to Clara Lemlich to Ahed Tamini and R. Everett Gendler, z”l. As we approach RH, we’ll devote part of the time to stories about blowing the shofar. We’ll open the session with an invitation to share our name/s, pronouns, land acknowledgement and a favorite Jewish proverb in a language you love, & a one minute flash tale that illustrates the proverb. Bring a shofar if you have one, a drum if you have one, or a shaker if you have one. *The Jewish Storytelling Guild will begin Sept 12 just in time for the High Holidays! If you sign up now, you will receive a one on one with Rabbi Lynn to chart a course of study/and or support your current work/research/passionate interest in an area of Jewish storytelling life. |
Wedding of Heaven and Earth facilitators, Rabbi Lynn and Adam Horowitz
wedding of heaven and earth
RECLAIMING THE fast of esther
magidah: master class in jewish storytellingOctober 31st - December 19th, 2022 Mondays, 5 - 6:30pm PST
Learn Jewish storytelling techniques and stories with Master Storyteller, Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb, in a collaborative and joyous setting. Read below for more information.
September 30th - October 1st, 2022 performance to follow
Shabbaton focused on Indigenous Landback Teshuvah for the new year, 5783. All events will be outdoors. Email me to learn more!
September 25th, 2022. Ceremony 4:30-5:15pm PST followed by potluck oneg
Story-telling, music, dance, shofar blowing, big puppets & shared visions for the coming year. This event inaugurates BackYard Mishkan’s monthly Shabbat in 5783. All ages welcome. Multi-faith & multi-heritage families welcome.
tribal visions for a judaism beyond zionismSeptember 22th - June 15th, 2022 Monthly on Thursdays, 6-7pm PST
Draw on the stories of the 12 tribes in pre-zionist torah, midrash and kabbalah to access wisdom in a non-colonial context. Create teshuvah for the harmful aspects of torah's tribal visions. Tribal Visions for Judaism Beyond Zionism grows out of Lynn's work in solidarity with Indigenous Land Back Movements, including Palestinian & Native American land back movements, Black Reparations movements and Jewish anti-colonial communities of practice. Tribal Visions is part of Lynn's new book: Way of the Mishkan: A Ceremonial Guide to Indigenous Land Back and Reparations Teshuvah. Fee includes 18% for reparations and land back movements.